Dreamers Spring
This tour exposed these Dreamers to a wide variety of potential options: public, private, large, small, city, suburban, single gender, historically black, liberal arts and specific career disciplines. Though the days and evenings were very long and required lots of energy and focus, we are confident that this experience will prove to be extremely beneficial for everybody, including the chaperones. Each attending student now has a much better understanding of the acceptance criteria, campus and classroom atmosphere, and college graduation requirements for each college visited. They also now have a much better understanding of the variety of post secondary options available and what it will take for each of them to enroll in and graduate from the college of their choice.
During Spring Break, April 5, 2010th – 9th, twenty-four now 10th grade Greensboro Dreamers, accompanied by five chaperones, visited eleven
College Visits, an organization which specializes in campus tours, arranged for half day private visits to the following schools:
Note: All of the Dreamers already had been to UGA, our special partner, on many occasions. Additionally small groups of Dreamers have visited several out of state schools in previous years.
The Dreamers at Emory Univeristy. The Dreamers blew off some steam, won some prizes and had lots of fun
during a well deserved evening at Dave and Busters